The Release

    With Carter working non-stop trying to free these hostages, no progress was being made. Only one hostage had been released over the summer, Richard Queen, because he had developed Multiple Sclerosis. Carter was still being scrutinized for not already having the hostages home and safe. The Iranian government was not on a safe course and Americans began worrying more everyday. As a new presidential election drew near, Carter worked around the clock to work out a resolution and bring the hostages home. After Republican Ronald Reagan won in a landslide victory, Carter still pulled an all-nighter on the last night of his presidency to try and bring them home. Although during his presidency Carter's efforts failed, finally Khomeini's government decided it was enough and decided to release the prisoners minutes after Reagan was sworn in. On January 21, 1981 former president Carter met the released hostages in Germany to welcome them on behalf on the new president.